08 Feb Battle for the Birds in the Skies of Israel

Join us for a special online presentation of the award-winning film “Battle for the Birds in the Skies of Israel” on Sunday, February 18, 2024.
Following the film, Noam Weiss, one of the film’s stars, and SPNI’s Director of the International Birding & Research Center Eilat, will answer your questions.
About the “Battle for the Birds in the Skies of Israel”: A film by Cedric Chambin, written with Pauline Bugeon: In the Jordan Rift Valley, men have been at war for more than half a century. A human tragedy that caused an unprecedented ecological disaster. Against all expectations, and despite the constant instability of this region, Israelis have mobilized to safeguard biodiversity. Today, these women and men are fighting to protect birds and successfully restore the great migration cycle in the valley, one of the wonders of nature.