The Nature Heals Benefit

Scroll down for all benefit information and giving impact opportunities.

Online Event Details:

Date: Sunday, September 15, 2024

Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM EST

In-Person Event Details:

Location: New York City, more information available upon registration

Date: Sunday, September 15, 2024

Time: 12:00 – 3:00 PM EST

This event will honor Nature Israel’s (ASPNI) esteemed past co-chairs: Leon Sokol, Ed Geffner, Russell Rothman, and Dan Singer for their unwavering dedication to supporting Nature in Israel. They will share fascinating stories about the founding of the organization, its connection to the American environmental movement, and our significant achievements. This is a chance for you to connect with others who share a deep love and appreciation for Israel, and renew your feeling of hope for the future.

For more details on the Nature Heals Initiative, please visit

Benefit Giving Levels and Impact Opportunities

Visionary of Nature Heals - $45,000

Guardian of Nature Heals - $18,000

Benefactor of Nature Heals - $10,000

Patron of Nature Heals - $5,000

Protector of Nature Heals - $2,500

Sponsor of Nature Heals - $1,000

Advocate of Nature Heals - $500

Friend of Nature Heals - $250

Supporter of Nature Heals - $180