Exploring the Birds of the Negev

Event Details:

Date: December 15, 2024

Time: 6:00 – 18:00 IST

Address: Parking lot on Rothschild Street, above the Nili and David Jerusalem Bird Observatory

Enjoy the cooler winter weather in the Negev Desert as we explore Nahal Beer Sheva where we will search for local birds as well as wintering birds such as pipits, wagtails, and shorebirds.

We will then head to Sde Boker where we will visit Ben Gurion’s grave park and Ein Avdat in search of Griffon vultures and other desert species.

This is a bus trip that will leave from Jerusalem at 06:00. There is an option for pickup at Latrun at 06:30. Beer Sheva 7:45

No experience is necessary! Guiding in English
This trip involves some easy walking – 3 -4 km total over the day.

Cost: 405 nis per person/385 nis for SPNI


For more information: call 0523-869488 or email reg.jbo@gmail.com

Experience the beauty of Israel’s spring flowers as we explore the famous Lupine Hill (Tel Socho) in Emek Ha’Ela

Parking lot on Rothschild Street, above the Nili and David Jerusalem Bird Observatory

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to see the first spring migrants and explore the unique landscapes of the Dead Sea!

This hybrid course is a fantastic way for beginners to spread their wings and dive into this amazing hobby.