English Bird Club Walk: The Swifts of Tel Aviv – 5/28 at 4pm

Event Details:

Date: May 28, 2024

Time: 16:00 – 18:00 IST

Address: Dizengoff Square, Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv voted the Common Swift as their City’s bird. In the late afternoon, the swifts can be seen doing their iconic aerial acrobatics in the city’s skies as they hunt for insects before the end of the day. We will head out to watch the spectacle and learn about the lives of these fascinating birds.

No experience is necessary!

Cost of walks: Free to members of the English Bird Club
SPNI members 50 nis
Non-members 70 nis

More details on meeting point and contact information for guide will be sent on registration.

For more information call: 0523-869488 or send email to reg.jbo@gmail.com

The English bird club of BirdLife Israel meets twice a month – in the Jerusalem area and in Tel Aviv. All are welcome to join the bird walks. Private cars – carpooling is possible. For more information on the English Bird Club contact alenk@spni.org.il

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